If you’re a parent, you’ve inevitably heard the same line a million different ways from all different sources (a viral Facebook blog from friends, parents of older kids, the elderly lady at church, even a random stranger on the street):
- “Enjoy it while you can!”
- “You’re going to miss this.”
- “Time is a thief. Don’t blink!”
- “Oh, mama…the days are long, but the years are short.”
- And of course, the ever-popular (say it with me)…“They grow up so fast.”
That lady on the park bench smiling at your preschooler means well. She really does. She’s been in our shoes, come out on the other side of raising kids, and wants to make sure we know to soak up every last moment.
But how does it ACTUALLY leave you feeling? Thankful you’re currently in that moment those others wish they were? Not really (especially if you are having a particularly rough day with your little ones).
No, there’s an unexpected, unintentional, and unwelcome side effect. If you’re like me you feel…
- Hopeless that no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop that time that’s slipping through your fingers.
- Guilty that you snapped at your 7-year-old, or didn’t take them to the park today or read them a book last night, or….(insert thing you didn’t do right here).
- Worried that you aren’t doing enough to enjoy these days.
- And honestly? Just plain sad.
And the worst part about all of it? Everything they are saying is so true. And we know it.
Even if you are a first-time parent with an infant, you knew it when you brought your little bundle home from the hospital. “How can he already be 2 days old?” to “That was the absolute fastest month of my life.” to “How am I already planning her first birthday party?!”

So what do guilt-ridden moms (and dads) like me and you do? Trying to stop the clock is fruitless. And there’s always going to be “that thing” we didn’t do.
But what we CAN do is come out on the other side of raising kids feeling like we made memories when they were little (with lots of experiences to prove it!).
So I decided to start My Nest List.
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What is My Nest List?
- My Nest List blog exists to help parents create a “nest list” for their family to experience life together as a family.
- My goal is to encourage parents to overcome feelings of guilt and sadness about their kids growing up by getting out there and actually making memories with your children while they are still young.
- Think of it as a Bucket List for parents (we are too young for a bucket list!). But instead of things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”, it’s your family’s own personal list of experiences you want to have before they “leave the nest”.
- My Nest List Was Designed for Parents Who Want to Get Out There and Make Those Memories….NOW.

How to Get Started Making Great Memories for your kids
I want to encourage you to plan and enjoy great experiences with your kids. This blog will help you brainstorm ideas to put on your own Nest List. They will range from things you can do in your own neck of the woods for free today to dream vacations that will take a lot of planning and budgeting.
You can also learn from my own personal experiences traveling with three boys (things my husband and I actually enjoyed too!). I have individual blog posts for trips we’ve enjoyed as a family. They include example trip itineraries, travel advice, and reviews of places we’ve been.

Of course, most memories your kids will carry with them will have been made there in your own neck of the woods. And those will probably be the BEST memories! So I also include ideas and advice for things you can do at home or nearby, including camping.
Let’s get started building your perfect Nest List! Sign up below to start building your own – the printable also includes some ideas to get you started!
But First, Just One Last Thing…
If you know other parents who would like this site, please share this page with your friends and family.
And if I’ve inspired you to try something new with your family, drop me a line below. I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks Lauren. This is such a great idea.
Thank you, Connie!
I have a senior this year so I’m gonna have to hurry but such a neat idea!!
Thanks for the feedback! You still have some time to plan some great memories! Good luck with senior year, mama!